Zborowo n. Poznan
reading time - 00:04
Barometer (hPa):
- 1024.1
NW 3.2 km/h
from NW
Air quality: PM 2.5 PM 10
Very good 0µg/m3 0µg/m3
Niepruszewo Lake
Temp. of water (-60 cm)
11 °C
Elevation of lake level (ASL)
76 m 87 cm
Weather forecast for next hours
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Temperature of water in Niepruszewo lake
Date and Time of measurement : 2024-10-21 23:57
 Measurement LevelTemperature
air+10cm *)°C
water-10cm *)11.3°C
water-60cm *)11.3°C
waterdemersal #)11.4°C

*)according to lake level
#)10cm under lake bottom , depth between 1.1m -1.5m (depending lake level)

Elevation of lake level (ASL)
The average of the last hour
76m 87.3cm  
Permissible elevation of the lake in the months:
I, II, III - 76.90m
IV-XII - between 76.40m and 76.70m

Niepuszewo pozwiom wody

Click here to watch live from the camera on the lake

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