Zborowo n. Poznan
reading time - 03:37
Barometer (hPa):
- 1030.4
WSW 12.9 km/h
from WSW
Air quality: PM 2.5 PM 10
Very good 0µg/m3 0µg/m3
Niepruszewo Lake
Temp. of water (-60 cm)
2 °C
Elevation of lake level (ASL)
77 m 3 cm
Weather forecast for next hours
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Review of the news

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1) The mast near the hangar has been repaired and equipped with a new sleeve.
2) From 29/04/2020 to 30/04/2020 grass will be rolled at the airstrip.
Please pay close attention to the workers on the airstrip.
Mast with sleeves2020-04-20
Due to damage to the cables supporting the mast with sleeves near the hangar, I ask pilots to use a weathercock on the east side of the airstrip or other symptoms showing the wind direction. The mast should be repaired by Friday 25/04/2020
Mowing grass on the landstrip2019-10-23
24 and 25 October 2019 on the landing field in Zborowo, the grass will be cut. Pilots are asked to pay special attention to the agricultural tractor operating on the landstrip.
UPS replacement2019-08-08
Over the past week, service disruptions have occurred due to a major UPS failure. Installation of a new device may temporarily again make the current data unavailable temporarily in the coming days.
Mowing grass on the landstrip2019-06-17
18 and 19 June 2019 on the landing field in Zborowo, the grass will be cut. Pilots are asked to pay special attention to the agricultural tractor operating on the landstrip.
Mowing grass on the landstrip2019-05-23
On Friday, May 24, 2019 grass will be mowed on the landing field. I am asking pilots to be especially careful

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